
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Best Cycling Trails In Selangor

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                                                   AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                           
Best Cycling Trails In Selangor
Selangor is one of the largest and more developed states of Malaysia. It provides cyclists a varying style of rides; ranging for those seeking cadence rides, and for those interested in slower pace rides to the quieter and rustic parts of the state. There are so many nice places to ride in this state and I found it hard to restrict the list to ten and ended up with twelve that I liked best.

This is one of the favourite routes of bikers seeking a medium length route with some climbs. Just mention Perez or Peras and they will know what you mean. It runs through quiet roads amidst greenery. The start point is at Pekan Batu 18 Ulu Langat, and the peak point is Genting Peras (at the signboard in the photo shown above) which is right at the border of Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. For those seeking more challenge, they could cross over this border and ride all the way to Titi (... see blog). OR on the return route, instead turning right at the T-junction returning to Pekan Batu 18, ride an onward loop to Bukit Hantu.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Another favourite route for cyclists seeking a quick cycling loop with some cadence. It gets its name as it runs along the motorcycle lanes of the GCE, the Guthrie Corridor Expressway. Start point can be from Bukit Jelutong or any of the North-bound R&R along the highway. The loop extreme point is at the flyover where the GCE meets with the LATAR Expressway. Some would exit the route for a nice meal at Kundang OR even extend it onwards to Rawang (where there are even better eats!).
(... see route map) (... see blog)

UPDATE 2020:
The Elmina Valley running next to the GCE is now more developed with interesting places to ride in.

Another favourite as this route has a challenge of a continuous climb of 15 km. of meandering bends before looping back; and if done during the morning, the weather is rather cooling. This route is best done on Sundays as traffic on weekdays could be heavy, some even do this at night for an even cooler ride. The start point is usually at Jalan Gombak near the Gombak Orang Asli Hospital, and the peak point is at the flyover leading into Genting Sempah (shown in photo above) which is right at the border of Selangor and Pahang.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
For more challenge, one can extend this ride onwards to Bukit Tinggi (... see ride blog), or even a longer one to Bentong (... see ride blog).


Many towns and cities in Malaysia have regular car-free days, and the Shah Alam Car-free Day (in Malay called: Hari Tanpa Kenderaan Shah Alam) is on of the more enjoyable and fun-filled ones. It's a five kilometer loop, held on the mornings of every second Sunday, that starts from Dataran Kermedekaan and goes through the parks and commercial hub of the city. Along the way stalls/stops operated by the friendly, smiling council officers or local neighbourhood volunteers, offer participants to take part in simple village style games like Congkak, etc. There were even bands doing gigs at points along way; others even bought they South American Macaw parrots for people to pose and play with.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

While at the car-free day, take time to try out the cycling lanes which is within the same vincinity; these are some of the better planned ones in the country.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

This state botanical gardens covers over eight hundred hectares of forest reserve and the best thing is that cycling is allowed within most of this enclave. There are bicycles for hire or pay a nominal fee to bring your own bicycles in.
This first section upon entry into the park is a medium slope which leads to several branch off roads that takes one to different part of the parks. There are sections where fruit trees are planted and there's even a cactus farm. Other sections include small waterfalls, a mini-aviary and even a small lake. Don't be turned off by the above photo, we rode there during a rainy season and a short stretch of road got flooded providing us an extra bonus of riding through water!
(... see map) (... see blog)

One of the best place to cycle in Selangor is Sekinchan, a village about an hour and a half away from Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya. It's a bit far and it would be good to stay a night there to start an early ride at fairly quiet roads that runs through the padi fields. The paddies vary in colour from a bright young green, to harvestable golden yellow and harvested brown.  At the paddies there are fruit shops and a rice factory; Other than the padi fields, there's a scenic rocky bund to ride along. and within the fishing village itself are colourful boats moored at the river and a couple of cottage industries making Yong Tau Foo and seafood crackers.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
One can extend the ride and head on to Sungai Limau or Sungai Besar where there are several good and cheap seafood restaurants.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Water rivuleting down the over-flow outlet of the Sungai Selangor Dam, creating a beautiful white waterfall with a loud roar.
Kuala Kubu Baru is a town which time seems to have forgotten and left us a quiet town with houses that are a throw back to colonial days. From the town is a road that leads to Fraser's Hill, a retreat which was a cool haven for the British back then, and for the locals now.
Riding up this road, one will pass by the Sungai Selangor Dam, which is rather scenic.

A quarter way up the road is a five hundred meters ride-able off-track road that leads to the Sungai Chiling Fish Sanctuary. Bring along some bread or fish food to feed the fishes and they will swarm around, but bear in mind that this is a sanctuary for the fish and fishing is not allowed.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
The more adventurous can continue and ride all the way up to Fraser's Hill.

Fancy a dip in a cool waterfall, drive over to Serendah and from there cycle to the Serendah Waterfalls. There are two waterfalls here, go up to the upperfalls and lie among the rocks and have white water splashing around you. Near Serendah itself is a renown Tomyam shop.
 Alternatively, take a train to Rawang for a slightly longer ride.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Jugra is the former capital of Selangor and nearby is Jugra Hill, a nice spot overlooking the Langat River.
Either start from Kota Kemuning to head for Jugra via Jenjarom and Banting before looping back. There is a short and tough climb up to Jugra Hill.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
OR start from Jenjarom heading to Jugra Hill and then continue onwards to Morib before returning; this one includes a short off-road stretch and also goes through a petrified mangrove swamp.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Pulau Ketam (literally translated to Crab Island) is one of many islands situated at the river mouth of the Klang River. It sits on a muddy mangrove swamp and as such the houses all are on stilts. Connecting the houses are timber/concrete walk-ways (also on stilts) and riding on them is an interesting way to see life on this little island.
We first visited this island about five years ago, cycling from Kuala Lumpur; back then it was a truly car-free island devoid of any motor vehicles (... see blog). Now, electirc motorcycles have been introduced and it is a much busier place where many tourists throng to during the weekends.
One can ride from Subang Jaya to Port Klang and take a ferry over.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
OR take a train to Klang for a short cycle ride to Port Klang to board the ferry.
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Universiti Putra Malaysa was formerly called Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Malaysia Agricultural University) and one can expect to ride through orchards and a farmers' market, 
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Be a little more adventurous and take some off-track roads to ride along pasture grounds of the campus and head for a dairy and a deer farm.

Batu Arang is another laid-back town and got it's name as it was formerly a coal mine. The coal from the mine also supported a brick factory. The factory is now abandoned and it's red bricked walls overgrown with creepers, which make a good photo ala Tomb Raider style in the ruins of Angkor's Ta Prohm Temple.
One can start from Rawang and head to Batu Arang on a loop via Kundang.
(... see route map) (... see blog)
OR take a longer route and start from Sungai Buloh.

(... see route map) (... see blog)

Dragon-backs are challenging and conquering them is exhilarating. And the most daunting of these are the Dragonbacks of Bukit Cherakah - short, sweet & torturing!
(... see route map) (... see blog)

Details to come, stay tuned.

To see other interesting cycling trails in Selangor, click here.

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  1. Hi Jotaro,
    My wife and I are cycling from Vietnam to Singapore on a tandem recumbent. We're now in KL, will be cycling towards Melaka on Sunday. Without going to much trouble, can you point me to a good route? We've been on the road for three months so we're ready for more direct routes, so our priorities in descending order are: safe, flat, direct, quiet.
    My email is
    Thank you so very much, and keep on pedaling!

    1. Hi David!
      I have plotted your a rough route from KL to Malacca via Port Dickson.
      This is the Google Map Link:,101.6178378,9.57z/data=!4m2!6m1!1s1RVyDyDSPjtG0pMtBORylh75-A1GkMnZc

      Please refer to the notes in the map.
      I assume start point as Dataran Merdeka in KL.

      By the way where are you from?
      You can send me a private message via my AhPek Biker FaceBook Page:

      Cheers & looking forward to hear from or meet you!

    2. I hope the route I have shared will be helpful to you
      Do ride well and ride with care.
