
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Accessories #4 - Rear Laser Light

You are at - Jotaro's Blog / AhPek Biker / Bikes & Accessories / #4 - Rear Laser Light
                     AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                 
(Disclaimer - all prices mentioned are list prices. For more accurate pricing please contact the relevant people. This blog is not a review, it's more on my foray in purchasing accessories for my 2nd Foldie)

My rear light that I got was good (see Buying The Accessories #2), but cycling with my bike buddies I notice that they had bigger rear lights - all the more noticeable. Or like the Big Bad Wolf says "All the better to see with!" And I had also seen bikes with laser lights too.

So when Kenny of THI Creative Solutions posted on the FB Group Malaysian Foldies that they had rear lights AND with lasers, it was a 2-in-1 bonus to me.
Seems like I was fated to get these lights as Kenny was in Penang, and I was coincidently go up there from Petaling Jaya the following day.

I frequently go up to Penang by the 5-Star bus, leaving from the 1-Utama Transportation Hub, Petaling Jaya and arriving at Penang's Komtar. I like to use them when I travel by bus, as my Dahon Dash P18 can fit into the bus hold without even folding. Just need to lower the handle, secure with some garters and protect the Rear Deraliler with bubble wrap!

On reaching George Town Penang, I easily unloaded my bike, raised the handle and was ready to go! Cycling, I reached the road where THI's office is in less than 10 minutes. Looking, high and low I could not find a bike shop along that street. So, I had to give Kenny a call and he directed me to his shop - no wonder I couldn't find it; it was not a bicycle shop!. It was a shop dealing in commercial laser lighting equipment. Kenny, an avid biker himself saw these laser rear lights on an overseas trading trip, and knew that there is market for them and imported them in.

The unit was from Hoyou Sport, China. Now then, I am apprehensive about products from China, but this one was not one of those gadgets that many get from the night markets for less than RM20-00. And the feel of it was solid with fine quality finishing. Dimensions are 3 inches long, 2 inches wide at top tapering to 1-1/2 inches at the bottom.

Satisfied with the unit, I had Kenny install it just below the rear of the seat.
Looks good!
Now wonder they sold out within the day. Kenny of course was kind enough to hold back a unit for me as I had contacted him via FaceBook the day before.

Now the Test of Fire!
I tried the rear light function first, it has 5 nos. medium sized LED lights - two on top horizontally and three vertically below those.
Looks even better now!

In the dark, the medium-sized lights shone even brighter.
There are three modes cycling through each press of the LED switch : All 5 LEDs solidly on> All 5  blinking > Blinking, cycling through each LED from top to bottom>Off.

Now for the interesting one, the lasers. The unit emits out two long laser trails, shining onto the ground. Even in dim light, the lasers are noticeable.

Whoa! In the dark, the lasers are even brighter and more noticeable.
They are sure to get the attention of motorist, now worries about them not noticing you.

The lasers are emitted through two eyelets at each side of the bottom of the unit. Setting for each press of the laser switch : Laser On>Laser On Blinking>Off.
Also at the bottom is a small hole for the charging jack.

At the top are two switches, "LED" for the LED lights, and "LD" for the laser lights.

The kit came with the installing brackets and a USB charger for the built-in rechargeable battery.  I tried out the unit with full charge, riding for 3-hours with both LED lights and laser turned on and there were not decrease in brightness. Probably, the battery should be able to last at least 6 hours with both lights on, and even much more in only the LEDs are on.  
It's all written in the kit box, but in Mandarin. I will have that translated and update the info accordingly.
List price for the  kit is RM95-00.

This will be one accessory that I will love to use, especially at night.

You are at - Jotaro's Blog / AhPek Biker / Bikes & Accessories / #4 - Rear Laser Light
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(comments most welcomed below. if you like this pls share via facebook or twitter)


  1. Hi, is there a shortcut road from kota kemuning to jenjarom without using kesas and Jalan Banting?

    1. Hi chanjerping,
      Thank you for your comment.

      Yes, there is an alternative. It is posted in my blog

      But please do take note of following :-
      1. It still entails riding along the Kesas biking lanes up till Kota Kemuning. Instead of exiting at the 2nd Kota Kemuning/Bukit Rimau interchange, one can exit at the first (opposite Giant Kemuning Utama) and go to the far end and turn right.
      2. Kampong Batu 7 is a nice place but there a lot of speed bumps.
      3. Be extra careful at Jalan Kebun as traffic can be heavy there.
      4. Due to this area being low-lying, new potholes appear on & off. They try to mend this but we still have to watch out.

      BTW, love your blog. So lively and vibrant when compared to AhPek's stale effort.

      In the meantime, happy riding and ride safe.


    2. Thanks. Didn't know why my comment ended up on this post instead of your jenjarom post :)

      Good route info. Maybe a route map will help. Thumbs up for your blog.

    3. Dear Bro chanjerping,

      1. The route map for Kota Kemuning to Jenjarom & further to Jugra can be found in my blog
      At the bottom of the map click on "Click for Map Link" will send you to Google Maps of this route. There you can zoom in and out for more details.

      2. OR try this link

      Hope these work and hope they will be helpful to you.


  2. i saw these rear lights with laser, while shopping for bicycle stuffs in some time ago,
    forgot how much they sell it over there, will find out again, to see how much they mark it up over here...

    1. Hi bro,

      That will be good. I can update the blog if the pricing is much cheaper, of course with compliments to you.

