
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Malacca Malaysia Cycling Route Maps

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                                                   AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                                  
Malacca Malaysia Cycling Route Maps
Malacca is an old city, with history that stretches back centuries and buildings that have Portuguese, Dutch and English influence. Below are maps of routes that we did in in this UNESCO Heritage state.
Click on relevant screen zoom rectangle (at the top right hand corner of each map) to go to the respective route map:

Batu Berendam To Malacca Cycling Route Map (19.88km)
We will be having an easy fun ride today, starting from Batu Berendam riding down to town to tour the city's historic centre and it's riverside. At the historic centre, we will visit a couple of temples, and a mosque. After that we will ride along it's famed riverside and visit a living Malay village - Kampong Morten.
Distance: 19.88 km.     Level: Easu


Malacca City To Bukit Pulau Malacca Cycling Route Map (34.57km)

It was an easy day of riding around Malacca City today with a bonus of attending a Hari Raya open house at the Bukit Pulau on the outskirts of the city. After that we went to view one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world at the Masjid Selat Melaka.

Distance: 34.57 km.     Level: Medium


Malacca City To Kg. Bachang Malacca Cycling Route Map (12.60km)
We will ride from Malacca's Historic Centre to Batu Berendam. While trying to make the route longer for more exposure, we had to consider that there were children riding with us. So it was a balance between exposure and distance, with consideration for safety of the riders.
Distance: 12.60 km.     Level: Easy

Malacca City To Sungai Gadut Malacca Cycling Route Map (86.91km)
Our route would be one that traverse the interior of Malacca and Negeri Sembilan nearer to the Main Range hills. Running through valleys, it was surprisingly not that hilly. This route is one that is seldom used by cyclists, hence I call it a road less travelled; perhaps it should be a road less cycled as there were definitely much other traffic.
Distance: 34.57 km.     Level: Medium

Malacca City To Tanjung Bidara Malacca Cycling Route Map (81.57km)

Cycling Route Day 1 : Malacca City>Tanjong Bidara
It will be a simple route with some riding in Malacca City for breakfast before heading via the coastal road to Tanjong Bidara about 40 km. away. En route we will visit the Submarine Museum in Klebang.
Distance: 81.57 km.     Level: Medium

Seremban To Malacca City Malacca Cycling Route Map (91.22km)
The route was almost similar to the one a few of us took during our ride down to Malacca in 2012. This time instead of starting from Sungai Gadut, we started from Seremban cut through to Mambau and then to Rantau thus by passing Sungai Gadut.
Distance: 91.22 km.     Level: Hard

Sungai Gadut To Malacca City Malacca Cycling Route Map (81.80km)
Peranakaan Bike-packers - Day 1 Cycling Route: KL>Sg Gadut>Melaka

The route is a bike-packing one with a train ride from Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS) Commuter Station to Sungai Gadut in Negeri Sembilan. From there we cycled to Malacca.
Distance: 81.08 km.     Level: Hard

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