
Friday, September 30, 2016

Perak : Parit Buntar Fishing Villages 2016

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                                    AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                      
Perak : Parit Buntar Fishing Villages 2016
Taiping-Kuala Sepetang-Kuala Kurau-Parit Buntar : 23rd-25th September 2016
Medium Group Bike Packing : Taiping>Kuala Sepetang>by boat>Kuala Sangga>by boat>Kuala Gula>Kuala Kurau>Tanjung Piandang>Parit Buntar.

KT Wong is back at it again organising a ride event for his friends. I always like his events as the routes often take us off the beaten track to interesting rustic places with nice scenic rivers, villages and friendly people. I have missed some of his rides but have gone with him to the fishing villages of Northern Perak, and to the outbacks of Taman Negara in Pahang.
This time round he is organising another ride (with the help of Siew Yung & his wife Lilian) through the fishing villages of Perak; but we will be skipping Ipoh and instead explore more of the Taiping rural outskirts. As for the fishing villages, we would be doing a reverse route starting from Taiping and ending in Parit BuntarThis time round more joined in (around 26 of us) with some coming from Penang and Singapore too.
It's been two year since we rode this locality and much have changed; some for the better and others..... read on to find out!

Below are the daily blogs, click on the respective photos/captions to read, enjoy!
Many thanks KT for another wonderful cycling experience.

Related Blogs:

Salted Duck Egg Factory @ Kuala Kurau, Perak : September 2014
A look at how the humble salted duck egg is made at a cottage industry.

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