
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Cycling In Sarawak Gawai 2015

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                                     AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                   
Cycling Sarawak Gawai 2015
Sarawak : 30th May - 3rd June 2015
Large Group Ride - Kuching & Kampung Mongkos.

Kim and Freda after some casual talk came up with the idea of going over to East Malaysia, to the Sarawak - the Land of the Hornbills, and do some cycling there. A FB event was set out and invitations sent out; the response was good and about twenty-six of us will be flying from Kuala Lumpur and one from Singapore. We will be joined by some local friends there. Kim purchased the tickets for the main group, gathered emergency contact numbers and liaised with Freda on the itinerary. Freda made the ground arrangements, i.e. accommodations, transportation, eats places, etc. Most of us will be arriving at the same time while others will be arriving on different days & time. So the logistics of keeping track of this and arrangements for pick-up/send-off was not that simple.
What's make this ride even more interesting is that we were there during the Gawai Festival; it gave us a chance to experience first hand and interact with the locals during their harvest festival. We flew from Kuala Lumpur to Kuching and then proceeded to the Kampong Mongkos.

Below are the blogs of our trip down there with some related blogs of the places we visited:

Cycling Sarawak Gawai 2015 Day 1 : Getting To Know Sarawak 30th May 2015
Our introduction to cycling in Sarawak; to it's warm people and some of it's delicious food.

Cycling Sarawak Gawai 2015 Day 2 : Of Gawai Procession & Night Festivities 31st May 2015
A bit of cycling and then we went into full Gawai mode. We joined locals at one village for a cheerful procession round their "kampong". Then later at the longhouse we stayed in, it was another round of evening Gawai festivities.

Cycling Sarawak Gawai 2015 Day 3 : Of Gawai Thanksgiving & Hearty Meals 1st June 2015

Cycling Sarawak Gawai 2015 Day 4 : Of Zheng Ho & A Siburan Feast 2nd June 2015



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