
Friday, May 29, 2015

Cycling Singapore 2015 Day 3 : Farewell Singapore

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                                     AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                   
Cycling Singapore 2015 Day 2-2 : Farewell Singapore
Singapore : 2nd May 2015
After two hectic days of cycling in Singapore our trip is coming to an end. And the last day was a non-cycling one, it was time to take a short rest before we leave for Malaysia. We slept in late, went for breakfast and then were ready to check out from the Five Stones Hostel.

11:00am - We had checked out but now face a dilemma. As we won't be cycling to the bus terminal how are we going to get our bikes there. The taxis may take one or two of our bikes at maximum and getting a few taxis will cost us a fair bit. Fortunately Kim had a local friend, Michael, whom she got to know through the net. He drove his car with five of our bikes inside and with me riding shotgun to the terminal. Many thanks to you Michael.

With time to spare we shopped around at Vivocity and Harbour Front Centre. At the Harbour Front Centre we got this 32 inches by sixteen inches microfibre "Sea to Summit Pocket Towel". It's quite neat actually, being light it can be folded very small to fit into a small 2 inch square pouch!

Enough shopping, time for lunch. Most of us dropped into the Queen and Mangosteen. A gourmet English pub, it serves a good range of food. But what caught my eyes in the menu was the listing Bangers and Mash. A throw-back from my Beano/Dandy comic reading days had made me have a penchant for bangers and mash, so this pub grub it was for me. The place had done this simple dish well, the sausages were superb (.... see more at Bangers & Mash blog).

(Photo by Siew Yung)
On our way over to the Harbour Front Bus Terminal who did we bump into but Siew Yung, Joni, Xinmie, Japheth and the French bike-touring couple (Anthony & Carol). They had gone over to Sentosa Island to do some cycling (see top-most photo).
What was interesting this photo of them in the the cable car. Their folded Bromptons fitted quite well into the gondolas. Oops! They cycled over, this photo was one of them in a replica at the station; so please don't get the wrong idea that folded bicycles are allowed in, it's better to check with the authorities first.

Here we are on our Aeroline bus; our journey back to Malaysia went smoothly, in fact it went more than smoothly. Unlike our journey down, we did not have to lug our bike-in-their-bags through customs; the coach driver had managed to convince the Customs officer to come over and check them in the bus luggage hold Phew....


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