
Monday, March 24, 2014

Selangor : A Ride Of Prayer For MH370

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                                         AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                 
Selangor : A Ride of Prayer for MH370
Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang : 23rd January 2014
Public Ride EventFrom Sepang F1 Circuit to KLIA Arrival Entrance
Cycling Distance Covered : 26 km.
Time : 7:30 pm - 10:25 am
Time Taken : approx. 2 hrs. 55 mins. (including stops for rest, regrouping and prayers)

Photo from The Malay Mail Online
Malaysian Airlines flight no. MH370 flying enroute from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing has gone missing. Malaysians and the world alike are showing their concerns and prayers for the plane and it's passengers.

Like our fellow Malaysians, we cyclists are also worried for MH370 and are hoping that all will end well. Bearing this in mind, Dave Ern had organized a ride for cyclists to express our empathy. The ride which will start at the Formula One Circuit in Sepang, will include a group prayer at the Departure Terminal of KLIA. Dave had asked for at least 239 riders to take part (in representation of the 239 passengers of the flight).

At 6:45 am on March 23rd 2014, around three hundred cyclists turned up, unloaded and prepared their bicycles. The ride will start off at 7:30 am.

A quick briefing by Dave before we start, through a megaphone he made a few pertinent points:
1. This is neither a race nor a fun ride. It is a ride that should bring our solemn thoughts to those affected by the MH370 crisis.
2. Ride leaders, marshals and sweepers will have the Jalur Gemilang tied to the bicycles and helmets for ease on identification. Participants are not to overtake the ride leaders.
3. Bibs with the words "Prayer For MH370" were handed to all to attach to their bicycles.
4. The ride will cover a total of 26 km. Riders should ride with proper decorum and the distance will give all time for reflection.

Malaysian cycling legend, veteran Shaharuddin Jaffar flagged off the ride.

It did not matter whether we are young ...

... or we are old. It did not matter whether we are rich or not, or whether we we renown or just a man in the street.

It did not matter whether we were riding with friends...

... or with family.

It did not matter whether we were using a racing bike, a folding bike, a normal bike, a mountain bike...

... or even a recumbent bicycle.

What mattered was that we rode in solidarity as Malaysians to pray for MH370.

As a mark of respect, when we approached the departure terminal of KLIA, we all came down to push our bicycles.

So as not to disrupt passengers, we did not enter the terminals proper but pushed our bikes to the extreme entrance gate at the far end.

Here, we had a minute's silence; bowing our heads we each prayed in our own way for MH370.

We hope our prayers will be answered.

MH370 in now believed to be lost in the Southern Indian Ocean where there is slim chance of any survivors. God bless their souls.

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