
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Selangor : The Sampah Ride - Cleaning Sungai Chiling

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                          AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                       
Selangor : The Sampah Ride - Cleaning Sungai Chiling 20th October 2013
We had previously rode to the Sungai Chiling Fish Sanctuary, and have like and enjoyed the naturalness of the place with its friendly fishes swimming around us (... see Chiling @ Sg Chiling blog). The thing is the place is attracting more and more visitors, many of them irresponsibly throwing rubbish all over.
Johnny Ng of My Bicycle Shop issued a call of arms to cyclists to help out, it was a call to come help clean up the fish sanctuary. Some cyclist jokingly called this ride the" Sampah Ride"; well it's a good name; short and precise. (Note: "sampah" means rubbish in Bahasa Malaysia).

This time round I drove up to the Kuala Kubu Bharu railway station to meet some others who were taking the train there. I was a bit disheartened to see that only about 15 of us over here. Together we rode in to Kual Kubu's town centre for breakfast, with me still feeling disappointed by the lukewarm response.

But when we reached the town, was I in for a surprise! More than thirty cyclists were already there, much earlier than us. My confidence in my fellow cyclists was restored. 
We cyclists, moving along at a slower pace, do see things up close, making us even more aware of the environment.
That's the fun part of cycling, enjoying nature. Unfortunately, we also get to see the damage that has been inflicted to our surroundings up close.

At Kuala Kubu Bharu, we never miss ordering the kaya (coconut-egg jam) puffs from Teng Wun Bakery. These are delicious with their crispy multi-layered crusts (... see more at Kaya Puffs @ Teng Wun blog).

Eats time's is over, time to do our civic duties. Johnny led the way with his XDS FA16, he had come by train and the compact-fold of this bike was very suitable for brining onto the train.

The ride is up slope most of the way but the road is not too steep so it's manageable. The nice sceneries and cool breeze makes this route interesting and a joy to ride one.

Along the way we met some super-bikers heading uphill...

... and some skate-boarders heading downhill. Seems like we are not the only ones who know how to enjoy this route.

The scene that met us when we reached the Sungai Selangor Dam was totally different from the one during our last ride here. The dry weather has lowered the water level drastically.

The beauty of the white water rushing down the overflow outlet chamber was not there, it was a pale shadow of it's former self.

Nevertheless, we took a group photo of ourselves here - there were more than fifty of us!

Reaching Sungai Chiling, we started our rubbish collection even before we entered the place...

... there is so much rubbish left at the roadside drains of the main road. Visitors just lazily through out their rubbish into these drains. They just know how to enjoy the place but do not know how to keep it clean!

More enthusiastic cyclists formed a chain on a steep slope to get to those hard to reach garbage.

Even the younger ones chipped in.

A lighter moment while collecting tossed away empty beer bottles.

Even the area around the rubbish bin is not spared by those irresponsible visitors. Perhaps there are not enough of these bins (we only saw one), and perhaps located 500 metres from the entrance is just to "far" for those lazy people.

All in all, we collected twenty huge bags of rubbish.
Well done Johnny!
Well done all those who came to help!

Our civic duty responsibly carried out, it was time to relax and enjoy the place ...

... it is time to just let go and dunk our heads into the chilling water of Sungai Chiling.

It was time to play with the fishes and reflect on our efforts to preserve this place and its surrounding.

These fishes are beautiful and are worthwhile protecting.

En route down, we stopped for ice-cream treats. Life is good.

Nature is beautiful, it is even more beautiful when kept clean.

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