
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Perak : Kuala Sepetang Bike Strolling

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                                      AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                                   
Perak : Kuala Sepetang Bike Strolling
Kuala Sepetang, Perak : 9th September 2013
Duo Ride : To riverside & the narrow streets of the town.
Distance covered : Just a short ride.
Time : 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Time Taken : 1:00 hr. (a leisurely stroll)
Route Recommendations :
1. The riverside is interesting, there are boat tours here too.
2. As in any small town in Malaysia, the locals are very friendly and helpful.
3. Though we did not visit it, the charcoal factory could be educational.

"Bike Strolling", is there even such a word? Regardless of whether there is or not, we two old dogs - my friend Tailim (of the hApPy HaPpY blogs) and me - did just that. We took a leisurely stroll with our bicycles down a small town unaffected by the passage of time.
Oo.... lala! Tempting looking giant prawns!
On the way back from Penang after the CFAL5 - Campaign For A Lane #5 - event (... see CFAL5 blog)  we had popped into Mee Udang Mak Jah for a delicious, giant prawns noodle meal.
Finished with our noodles, Tailim suggested going for a ride at nearby Kuala Sepetang." He's like that, adventurous and always raring to go.

Me, on the other hand, was the more cautious and conservative one. I looked up at the dark skies, wondering whether it will pour and at the same time thinking, "What did those prawns do to my friend? Pumped him up with more adrenaline?"
"Shucks. What the hell, let's be gung-ho. Let's go!"


Parking at the outskirts of the town, we rode in. Kuala Sepetang is not a large place, in fact it is a small town; riding in from the outskirts was just a short ten minutes jaunt.
The slow pace of life here seems to have affected us. We took our time, cycling slowly, looking around, and observing life at this place that seems unbothered by the outside world.

Saw this couple here, preparing prawns to be naturally sunned for making dried prawns. The man's face showed a concerned look, worrying how the present rainy weather will affect his production.

At the riverside, trawler boats were parked at the jetty. It's afternoon and fishing time was over. The fishermen were on one side playing mahjong at a table, hardly noticing us; unconcerned by these two out-of-towners. Life here is idyllistic, why be too bothered.

Kuala Sepetang, formerly known as Port Weld. It was named after the former colonial governor Frederick Weld. Port Weld has the distinction of having the first operating railway line in Malaysia, i.e. from nearby Taiping.

Adjacent to the jetty is the place for the best seafood in town, the Kang Kao Seafood Restaurant. The restaurant is on the first floor, letting patrons have a good view while dining. Two more floors are being added, turning the place into a small hotel.
Looks like the tourist industry here is picking up. Those who want to experience Kuala Sepetang's slow, idyllistic way of life better come fast before it disappears.

Tour boats take visitors out to the nearby islands. Attractions are nesting eagles, wading cranes, watching the beautiful sun set, and later viewing the glittering sparkle of fire-flies.

For those interested, here's a photo of tour operator Lee Wee's poster. Cost for the river tour and the firefly tour is RM10 & RM25 per pax respectively. Contact Mr. Lau, mobile numbers 012-4631845 & 0111-5219845.
If you do come, please to treat this place with respect and don't make a nuisance of yourselves; remember the adage "Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footsteps."

The rain finally came, pouring heavily. The two of us sheltered underneath a small lean-to roof. Tailim's bike seems to be saying to a grand-fatherly tricycle transport, "Hi! Old man. Life is treating you good here."

The rain slowed down to a drizzle. Wrapping my mobile phone in plastic bags, we continued our stroll. Those electronic gadgets are not as strong as these two old dogs, a little water entering them and they will go haywirely damaged.

Our ride ended with a photo at the historic "Port Weld" railway station.
Good bye Port Weld.
Goodbye Kuala Sepetang.

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