
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kuala Lumpur : World Car Free Day 2013 - The People

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                          AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                       
Kuala Lumpur : World Car Free Day 2013 - The People
Kuala Lumpur celebrated its debut World Car Free Day (... see World Car Free Day Event blog), these are photos of some of the colorful people who came to support it.

A father on a tandem with his son.

A young boy on a big bike - he has good color coordination too.

A mother carrying on child on a baby seatt carrier with another child on training wheels. Is that the father looking on. A family that cycles together stays together.

Another mother, carrying two sons - one at the back and another on a modified attached baby seat at the front. The one at the front has a handle to get a stable grip.

Fooling around with two heroic kids!

A father giving his two daughters a ride on a modified cart. The mother is always close by, keeping a watchful eye and protecting her children from the rear.

At the Hotel Majestic regroup point, posing with the doorman dressed in colonial style costume.

Cyclists from the Hotel Majestic regroup point heading to Jalan Dang Wangi.

Riders from the Happy Cycling group gathered at Lake Titiwangsa before proceeding to join the event.

Bicycles waiting for their owners to return. The owners were busy having lunch and chatting at the coffee shop.

Friendly lady cyclists in colorful jerseys.

Down with the street art murals in the Klang River (see more street art murals at Graffiti Street Art Murals @ Kuala Lumpur Storm Drain)

Cyclists with a message - "Stop Snatch Theft".

At Dataran Merdeka with the big guns.

The group from Putrajaya Urban Riders.

A colorful Melody from Hong Kong.

Chong with his signature umbrella helmet.

The Malaysian flag fluttering well as he cycles along.

Cute red bicycle wit two Malaysian flags.

Young roller bladders - joyful and energetic!
On the far right, a much younger roller bladder training up for speed.

Latch onto a motorcyclist and life is much easier.

And here they come, zooming in.


Thank you, Datuk Bandar.
Thank you, Kuala Lumpur.

Through cycling -
"We Are One!"

Related Blogs:

Malaysia: Graffiti Street Art @
Kuala Lumpur Storm Drains :September 2013
A surprise find of large mural street art graffiti in the storm drains of Kuala Lumpur.

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