
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Penang : Checking Out the Green Cycling Lanes

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                     AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                 
Penang : Checking Out The Green Cycling Lanes
Tanjong Bungah : 3rd August 2013
While I was up in Penang, Suzie a friend of mine asked me to go check out the mock-uo cycling lanes that the state government had put up a few days earlier. Suzie is the secretary of the community committee for the area where these lanes have been put up.

These are three trial lanes of thirty metres each. The lanes were each about one meter wide and thirty metres long, with each constructed of different materials. Suzie wanted my opinion from the cyclist point of view - I was most honored indeed to carry out this task.

These trial lanes are located in front of the Dalat School in Tanjong Bungah, on the side heading towards the city.

Okay, lets have a look at the lanes themselves; starting with the first one view in the direction of traffic flow (Bear in mind that this in only my opinion based on my limited knowledge).
This one is of a coarse surface & applied with polyurethane material surface. Polyurethane is the material used as floor hardeners in basement car-parks and heavy-duty factory floors.

The only thing is that this material is quite glossy and with the sun shining there is glaring sheen reflected from its surface - after kilometers of riding with this glare, it could become uncomfortable to the eyes (especially if one is not wearing sun-glasses like most casual cycling commuters). Of all the three materials used this is the most expensive but also the most durable.

Next up, is the surface that has been painted with road paint, the type that is used for painting car-parking lines in private car-parks.

Painted directly onto the road surface it provided a coarse surface and is of a matte finish. Of the three materials, it is the most economical but least durable.

The third stretch was with a thermoplastic surface, the same material used for road centre and side lines. It is applied by a roller machine in strips. As seen in above, three strips were required to form the adequate width of the cycling lane.

The thermoplastic surface is much smoother making rides lies bumpy when riding faster. The question is are these cycling lanes for racing or speeding?
The next question is, will this thermoplastic be slippery when wet?

Whichever material used, I believe the authorities will be the best to judge in terms of cost versus durability. After all, it is a commendable effort by them to provide for the safety of cyclists; an effort that will have these bicycling lanes stretching on both sides of the road leading from Tanjong Bungah to Balik Pulau.
The official launch was carried out the following day and was officiated by the Chief Minister of Penang (... see blog).

By some coincidence, while I was checking out these lanes, a camera woman and reporter from the local press was there. They asked me questions regarding these lanes and I gave the the same opinion as stated above.

The following day, this article came out in the Guang Ming local newspaper. As I do not read Chinese, I do hope that they quoted me correctly.

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You are at - Jotaro's Blog / AhPek Biker / Cycling Malaysia / Penang / Checking Out The Green Cycling Lanes
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1 comment:

  1. Awesome post on given by Floor Hardner Manufacturer! Its all about choosing the correct product for the commercial project..This information is very interested and good to know about all its uses.
