
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - Mekong Islands Pt.2

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                          AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                       
Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Pt.2
Phnom Penh, Cambodia : 24th August 2013
Small Group Ride - Riverside>Arey Ksat>Okgnar Tei Island>Dach Island>Sangkat Chrouy Changva>Wat Phnom>Riverside.
Cycling Distance Covered : approx. 30 km.
Time : 7:55 am - 2:00 pm
Time Taken : 6 hrs. 5 mins. (including stops at a silk farm, a Khmer temple, a Chinese Temple, lunch, photo shoots, 3 ferry rides; and enjoying the rustic country side & villages)

Route Recommendations :
1. For those who come from right-hand drive countries, bear in mind that in Cambodia vehicles are left-hand drive. So do take the extra care to ride on the correct side. When crossing roads, do bear this in mind, as vehicles will be coming in from the "wrong" direction.
2. Even then, many motorist, especially motor cyclists, take the easy way out & will go on the wrong side - do watch out for these especially when at junctions.
3. Check-in your bike as sports equipment and do packed it properly to protect it (... see Bagging The Brompton For Air Travel). Some airlines may require, bicycles to be checked in as over-sized baggage.
4. Do take care when cycling along the muddy paths, don't speed as they can be rather slippery.
5. Points of interests :
- Friendly children on the islands.
- The Khmer & Chinese temples.
- The ferry rides, especially the one on the smaller ferry.

This is Part 2 of a 2 part blog, click on following to go to other pages :
Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Pt.1


In Part 1, we had taken a ferry over to the other side of the mainland where we rode pass farms, orchard and villages. The children there were most happy to see us, waving us by and even High-Fiving us. After a visit to a silk farm, the rain & strong winds came as the second ferry approached. At that point, I was figuring out whether I should board that rickety ferry and sail into the choppy waters of the fast-flowing Mekong; or should I chicken out?


Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Ride Map (click for Map Link)
The ride route : Riverside>Arey Ksat>Okgnar Tei Island>Dach Island>Sangkat Chrouy Changva>Wat Phnom>Riverside.
Our ride will include three ferry rides and a crossing of a bridge. Taking a ferry we will cross over to Areyksat on the mainland, then another ferry over to Koh Okgnar Tei. We will then cross a bridge over to Ko Dach (Silk Island) and take another ferry back to the mainland.

As the ferry got ready to land on the small, muddy cove; I noticed that it was indeed a small craft with a wooden ramp for boarding.
Well, since we are here, we might as well board. I steeled my heart and prayed that the following day's headlines won't read "Malaysian cyclist in capsized river ferry!"

Quickly, we pushed our bikes on board and ran for the little sheltered section. Amoum had rushed off to get some raincoats for us just before we boarded.
The rain and wind were strong, billowing Sandy's raincoat and hair; well it's part of our little adventure.

After a while, the rain abated and the winds calmed. Here's Sandy standing with Amoum on the narrow edge of the ferry's hull. Seems like she is much braver than this old man.

Okay, okay... I am not such a boring fellow; here I am having a bit of fun - joy jumping but safely in the middle of the ferry.

Eric, all smiles, riding onto Okngar Tei Island.

We are back riding onto tracks (but after the rain, they are now wet and muddy) heading for the Khmer temple on the ride - the Wat Pek.

The Wat Pek is a small temple, but it offers a haven to the children of this island. The poorer children are taken in by the temple, to live there and be schooled too. And if they hear the calling then they too can become monks. It is a privileged blessing for a Khmer family to have their children becoming monks.

Inside, amid colorful wall and ceiling murals, the monks were having their simple lunch.

There are really many colorful murals on the walls and ceiling, they tell the story of the Lord Buddha from his birth to attaining Nirvana.

We rode off from the temple through two of the temple arches ...

... and rode along nice tree-lined concrete roads.

Alas! Our easy cycling on good roads were short-lived. We are back off-road again, cycling across a grassy, green field; it was not easy cycling through the wet, and puddled filled field.

A bit of slow maneuvering across mud-filled tracks were required - well one can either ride through the squishy mud or side track onto the edge grass. But who know what will be in the grass?

  The islanders, such as this family, may be poor but they did not let their poverty deter their happiness.

We left Okngar Tei Island through a steel bridge and headed for Koh Dach.

A view of Phnom Penh City skyline from the mid-span of the bridge.

It would have been nice to cycle around Koh Dach  it's one of the larger islands in the Mekong. But we just skimmed the southern end of Koh Dach and reached the ferry dock of Kampong Chamlong Ronaes. There I met some friendly Malaysian girls, Peh Fen & Sook Yee, riding on a modern-looking, cute red tuk-tuk. Together all of us boarded the ferry that will take us back to the mainland.

Disembarking at the Koh Dach Ferry Dock on the mainland, we cycled along the coastal roads of the Sangkat Chrouy Changva peninsular. Here there is some boat-building industry that supports the Phnom Penh Port on the opposite side of the Tonle Sap River.

The people here seems to be a poorer lot with some of them living on board house-boats and many in shanty huts.

We reached our next destination, a Chinese temple, where two tuk-tuks were waiting for us. Amoum mentioned that we will be continuing part of our journey on these tuk-tuks as the roads ahead will be busy with heavy traffic. With some spare time, we did a mini tour of the temple.

Yes, there are a few Chinese temples in Phnom Penh, they serve the minority Chinese population who are mostly Teochews and Cantonese.
This temple looks rather new, it's not even indicated on Google Maps.

It has a small and nice pavilion.

And an even nicer pagoda.

A couple of green dragons guards its stepped entrance from the Mekong River.

In the meantime our bicycles had been tied to the tuk-tuks and we are ready to continue on.

The tuk-tuks took us along the quieter roads on the outskirts, then across the Cambodia-Japan Friendship Bridge. We avoided the busy Sisowath Quay area near the inland port and instead took the quieter Street 47. Come to think of it, other than at the bridge, traffic wasn't that heavy; I guess the tuk-tuk ride was just part of the tour experience.

Clockwise from bottom left - Sweet & Sour Fish, Stir-fried Morning Glory, Egg Plant With Minced Pork & Stir-fried Beef.
We were dropped off at 99 Restaurant, which coincidentally is on Street 98. Here we had lunch; probably most of the vegetables used for our meal were from the farms that we had passed by during our ride.

The mainstay of the meal was the Salor (Cambodian Soup) made from peas, vegetables and fish... YummY!

The Mekong Islands - an interesting mini-adventure of riding through orchards, farms, onto ferries & bridges, and most important of all - meeting the warm & friendly islanders.
After the nice eats, we rode a short distance back to Grasshopper's shop.

(That's Goodbye in Cambodian)

This is Part 2 of a 2 part blog, click on following to go to other pages :

Related Blogs :

Cambodia : Phnom Penh Museums : December 2012
A surprisingly educational visit to the National Museum of Cambodia.

You may also like:

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If you like this, view my other blogs at Jotaro's Blog
(comments most welcomed below. if you like this pls share via facebook or twitter)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - Mekong Islands Pt.1

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                          AhPek Biker - Riding Adventures                       
Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Pt.1
Phnom Penh, Cambodia : 24th August 2013
Small Group Ride - Riverside>Areyksat>Okgnar Tei Island>Dach Island>Sangkat Chrouy Changva>Wat Phnom>Riverside.
Cycling Distance Covered : approx. 30 km.
Time : 7:55 am - 2:00 pm
Time Taken : 6 hrs. 5 mins. (including stops at a silk farm, a Khmer temple, a Chinese Temple, lunch, photo shoots, 3 ferry rides; and enjoying the rustic country side & villages)

Route Recommendations :
1. For those who come from right-hand drive countries, bear in mind that in Cambodia vehicles are left-hand drive. So do take the extra care to ride on the correct side. When crossing roads, do bear this in mind, as vehicles will be coming in from the "wrong" direction.
2. Even then, many motorist, especially motor cyclists, take the easy way out & will go on the wrong side - do watch out for these especially when at junctions.
3. Check-in your bike as sports equipment and do packed it properly to protect it (... see Bagging The Brompton For Air Travel). Some airlines may require, bicycles to be checked in as over-sized baggage.
4. Do take care when cycling along the muddy paths, don't speed as they can be rather slippery.
5. Points of interests :
- Friendly children on the islands.
- The Silk Farm.
- The ferry rides, especially the one on the smaller ferry.

This is Part 1 of a 2 part blog, click on following to go to other pages :
Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Pt.2


At the Mekong Riverside, in front of the Ounalom Temple.
After my previous solo bike rides while I was in Phnom Penh the previous month, I am back in again and even itching for more rides to newer places. (... see Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Riverside & Pedaling Phnom Penh - Diamond Island). But I am fairly green to the biking routes of the city, so what should I do?

The previous time, while on my ride, I had discovered Grasshopper Adventures, a company that offers cyclo-tours for tourists (well in a way I am a tourist). So prior to arriving in Phnom Penh I contacted them and booked in one of their tours - The Mekong Islands Tour.


Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Ride Map (click for Map Link)
The ride route : Riverside>Areyksat>Okgnar Tei Island>Dach Island>Sangkat Chrouy Changva>Wat Phnom>Riverside
Our ride will include three ferry rides and a crossing of a bridge. Taking a ferry we will cross over to Areyksat on the mainland, then another ferry over to Koh Okgnar Tei. We will then cross a bridge over to Ko Dach Island (Silk Island) and take another ferry back to the mainland.

L-R: me, Sandy, Eric & Amoum
In the morning , I went over to Grasshopper's shop at Street 144 which is near the Riverside and close to a market. There I met two other tourists; first was Eric, he is an American based in Singapore and was here on a short trip. The other was Sandy - an American from North Carolina, now in Phnom Penh attached to a NGO  helping to eradicate malaria and dengue fever.
Our ride leader from Grasshopper was Amoum, a lively and spritely girl.

We started off by riding down Sisowath Quay Street, which runs along the Riverside. Passing by the Ounalom Temple, we headed for the Nagaworld Hotel. The early morning air was cooling, making our ride pleasant.

Nearby Naga World at the Arey Khsat dock, we took our first ferry. It's a small ferry that can take on two cars and some motorcycles, and of course bicycles too. There's an upper deck where passengers can sit and admire the view.

We were surprised that there were a few local bikers on board too - seems like riding to the islands is a favorite route for them. The ferry is taking us across the confluence of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers.

The ferry landed on Arey Khsat located on the other side of the mainland. There is no pier for the ferries, they just come in and land on the shores very much like the landing crafts of World War 2 landing on the beachhead of Normandy. And we were like the soldiers, eager to go forth and explore.

I thought that we were on an island, but in actuality we were on another part of the mainland. Without the ferry ride, it would have taken a much, much longer journey.
Here, we were riding on the dusty, laterite roads of the back-waters of Phnom Penh; it was most fortunate there was a drizzle the previous day so it was not as dusty as it would normally be.

Amoum was a very versatile cyclist and knowledgeable tour guide all rolled into one.
As she cycled along, she would turn around and brief us on the surrounding area, it's cultivation, etc.

We cycled through orchards...

... and farmlands. All along the way, she was explaining to us what type of fruits and vegetables we were seeing and how they were used in Cambodian cuisine.

At a small piece of vacant land, we stopped for a short rest; over on the other side of the Tonle Sap River, the skyline of Phnom Penh can be seen.
The overcast sky has made our ride pleasant but at the same time without the bright sunlight, our photos were not turning up that colorful.

Over on these islands, far away from the bustle of the city, the village atmosphere was rustic and friendly. Often, children on seeing us will shout their hellos to us and also reach out with their hands to give us boosting high-fives.

Stopping at an eggplant farm, we met the friendly owner. In a way, his dressing (bare-chested and with just a sarong) with his funny hat and carrying a plastic basket full of eggplants sort of represent the village people - simple, warm, pragmatic and with no airs.

And his farm produced healthy large, purple eggplants... yeah, Amoum!

As we rode along the very narrow path, a Cambodian woman farmer with her young daughter waved us by. She was carrying a sickle for harvesting lemon-grass. The daughter reached out with an outstretched hand .....

... Yes! Another High-five boost!

We rode passed kampung houses...

... children playing in large concrete water pots ...

... and passed by some cows - such is the way of the village life, everything blended in  naturally.

Destination No. 1 - a silkworm farm!

Inside, silk cocoons were harvested ...

... spun into threads ...

... and loomed into silk cloth. All this was done by hand, and what you get is fine hand-crafted Cambodian Silk.
(Note : they do sell their products here.)

A bit of rest with some drinks and fruits (bananas, watermelons, longans & mangos) before we continued on.

We are onto wider tarred roads. Hey! the skies seems to be getting darker; let's hope it doesn't rain soon.

Passed by a street market. Eric really seems to be enjoying himself.

But all too soon we were back to riding off-road again, onto narrow tracks that led us to a small non-descript muddy cove. It is here, at this small cove, that we will be boarding the second ferry. In the meantime, some cows are bathing here, no worries they will move off once the ferry comes.

Oh dear... The weather did not hold; it started to rain and strong winds were blowing. Right on cue with the start of the bad weather, the little ferry can be seen approaching.

It IS indeed a very small craft, with passengers, bicycles and motorcycles squeezed into it.
Are we getting into that rickety thing to cross the mighty Mekong in this foul weather ...
Read Part 2 to find out!

This is Part 1 of a 2 part blog, click on following to go to other pages :
Cambodia : Pedaling Phnom Penh - The Mekong Islands Pt.2

Related Blogs :

Cambodia : Phnom Penh Museums : December 2012
A surprisingly educational visit to the National Museum of Cambodia.

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If you like this, view my other blogs at Jotaro's Blog
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